Random Thoughts and Memories

Friday, January 17, 2025

a change?

  I couldn't help but notice how a few of the "inclusive" people are refusing to attend Trumps inauguration. Those on the left that champion all this inclusivity, tolerance and empathy saying. "I won't go!" I can hear the foot stomping from here. A few others have supposedly fled the country, taking their American dollars with them. I'm just amused by those antics. I couldn't care less what the heck they do. I'm amused because I understand their need to stay in the limelight, to stay relevant and feel important. That is what drove most of them to pursue their profession whether it is actor or politician. It does require an ego to do either successfully. A decided lack of empathy and inclusivity is also helpful, as long as you don't show that. Nice guys do finish last. 
 I remember when Obama was saying, "change we can believe in" as a campaign slogan. Turns out we were all just left with the change as his administration gave the dollars away. But, the left has been talking about change for quite a while now. The need for change, the importance of change, the dire necessity for change. Well, Trump is going to make a change. And now the left is upset by that. The biggest change Trump is offering is in seeking professional expertise in business matters from business people. He isn't just nominating the most popular politicians. And that is the problem; outsiders. Those outsiders may upset the apple cart that has been business as usual in Washington. No one wants to change that! What if the government starts to be run as a business instead of a charity? What if one person is expected to do the job of one person? Currently the federal government employs about 2 million full time employees. Just how efficiently are they doing their jobs? That will change. 
 Trump wants to secure the border to prevent the entrance of illegal aliens. Why he even suggests that those already in the country illegally be removed. That is just too much change for the left to handle, enforcing the law as it is currently written. He is talking about requiring identification just to vote in national elections. Hey, requiring identification to fly commercially, drive a motor vehicle or buy a beer are one thing but, voting, c'mon man. Some of those voting died before ID was even a thing. We definitely shouldn't change that. And if you are born on American soil you should absolutely be given birthright citizenship; along with exemptions for your entire family. 
 Except that isn't what the 14th amendment says. It says only those born or naturalized are citizens, not the parents, grandparents, cousins or anyone else, just the person being born. Remember that amendment was made necessary by the democrats. Yes, it was the democrats that denied citizenship to the blacks in this country, proclaiming they weren't citizens at all! They only counted as 3/5 of a person anyway. That was changed by the 14th amendment and I'd say it was a good change. It did not give citizenship to any of their relatives living elsewhere, just citizenship to those born in America. The Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people, and provided all citizens with “equal protection under the laws,” Doesn't say a thing about anyone else.
 I don't agree with many things Obama had to say. I did agree with things needing to change. A change we can believe in would be a great thing. A great start is enforcing the laws as they are written, a return to law and order. Demanding accountability from our elected officials would also be a welcome change. Fiscal responsibility and America first. Time to trim the fat and get back to business. That is the function of government, not doing charity work, not worrying about hurt feelings. Just tend to business. 
 If you can't get the job done you are outta there! Term limits is another avenue to effect change. A convention of the states is the vehicle for doing just that. That is how things get changed. We the people can change it. Currently 19 of the required 34 states have signed on to do just that. Those on the left, those wanting change, are strongly opposed to that. Why? Remember when it took a civil war to make necessary changes? Let's avoid that with a convention of the states instead, just like the constitution provides. History does have a way of repeating itself. We have the same actors today, saying the same thing as they did in 1861. The ideology hasn't changed one bit!  

Hopefully sooner rather than later. But real change is often a painful thing. No medicating that. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

the plan

  Everyone gets the same regardless of their contribution. That seems to be the platform of the democrats. The governor of Maryland having driven the state into a deficit, there was a surplus of 2.5 billion when he took office, introduced his new budget. He is promising no tax increases and to change the tax code so that the majority of taxpayers will actually pay less. Well, except those making in excess of $500,000 or more, they get a tax hike to 6.25%. The rich people have to pay more, so the working man doesn't. The size of government will increase, thousands need to be hired according to the governor, mostly to provide services to the public. The administration of all the "programs" those items that exhausted the surplus funds require personnel to meet the demand. Yes, there is a big line for the "free" stuff, imagine that.
  In the last few years the state has decriminalized marijuana, generating some more tax income. The ability to gamble has been expanded to include sports betting 24/7. Again, generating tax income. Now they are talking about allowing alcohol sales in grocery stores feeling it will increase sales, and tax income in the process. The neighborhood liquor stores are getting a little too dangerous for the average citizen so grocery stores would provide that safe space. That's the official line from state legislators for this proposal. But all that won't be enough. We need the high income people to pay more because they can afford it. We will now price items on a sliding scale, much like medical care to those unable to pay, just pass the cost up the line. Legislated charity. 
  Now we mustn't forget we need to subsidize minority owned small businesses. They should be given low interest rate loans. If the business fails, the loan is forgiven. Then they can apply for another loan and try again. That's a real program here in Maryland. The city of Baltimore was paying children to not wash windshields on the street corners. You see, those children were harassing, cajoling, intimidating and in some cases robbing motorists as they sat at the stoplight. Well, what can you do? You pay the kids to stay off the streets, that was the plan. The kids took that money and went back to the street corner. Yeah, worked out great. The city of Baltimore is also funding several "offices" whose aim is to reduce crime and violence. No one can know who the actual workers are, that's a secret and just how much money is being spent. No matter that one of those groups is being investigated by the FBI for having gang ties. Quite the surprise when one of the qualifications for employment was a prison record. Yes, they hired ex-cons to patrol the streets and maintain law and order. The violence interrupters! Millions spent on all of that.
  In the meantime the middle class working families get nothing. They just get to keep paying their taxes and doing the right thing. No special programs for you. You aren't poor, marginalized, a minority, an illegal alien, or a refugee. No you are just fine as long as you continue to work and pay your taxes. Don't make too much money though or the state will begin to take that to fund all those not working, not contributing a thing but demanding services. Their demands must be met! If they aren't, crime increases and the need for services also rise. They should all be given rehabilitative services because it isn't their fault they are criminals, they weren't provided with services sufficient to meet their expectations. 
 The only solution is to lower the standard of living the wealthy have grown accustomed to, to be more in line with the poor folk. We can do that by taxing them! That'll lower their income alright! You may have earned that money but it isn't all yours, you have to pay your fair share! Your share is higher than mine because you made more than I did; and that isn't fair. And that is why the governor is adding two more tax brackets to the state tax code to get more from those rich folks. Two at the top end to fill the void left by those making no contribution on the low end. The number of non contributors is growing making this necessary, it's only fair. But it's only temporary. If we continue to provide services to those folks they will rise to the top. That's the path to success. Just ask the governor.  Tax the rich and empower the poor. That'll work. That will balance the books. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

a sticky wicket

 The news is reporting that the supreme court may issue its' opinion on TicTok. The question has become an argument between free speech and Chinese spying. The reporter stresses how this could be the end of TocTok. Well, that's not exactly true. It needs to be understood that the court issues an opinion, not a mandate. It is the function of Congress to act upon that opinion, either way. The congress does not have agree with the opinion of the court. It isn't binding on a federal level. Although rarely used an amendment to the constitution can be passed contrary to that opinion. That's what the free speech people are talking about should the court ban TicTok. Their argument being it would violate the first amendment. Free speech of the people or the press. Is TicTok the press? 
 I haven't formed an opinion on this subject as TicTok holds no interest for me. I'm wondering about those claiming they make their living from TicTok. I'm curious as to how that works. Social media influencers? They get paid to say or do stupid stuff. That's all I've heard about that platform. People posting silly videos, doing silly challenges and in general, acting stupid. Then they get paid for that? It's a strange new world. I do expect if TikToc gets banned another platform will simply pop up to replace it. Where there is money to be made a way will be found, legally or not. Apparently the issue with TicTok is that the owner of the platform are the Chinese. What if that platform is owned by an American? Would that make it alright without changing anything else? Well, it's all something I admit I have little knowledge about and won't pretend that I do.
 Information is power. That is if that information can be used to manipulate or gain an advantage in some fashion. The knowledge to use that information is where the real danger lies. Information without that understanding is virtually useless. Just what information is China supposed to be gathering from TicTok? According to security experts it may be collecting data like phone numbers, locations, browsing history and even your direct messages. 
 My thinking is all of that is really quite easy to obtain if you wanted to. Does anyone really believe that our computers and internet connections are 100% secure. If you do I've got this bridge for sale. All the Chinese have to do is ask the companies selling car warranties for that information. It's my thought that the federal government is collecting all that information on you and much more! We are even required, by law, to provide that information, well except if you want to vote that is. Undocumented "refugees" are also exempt from providing that information. 
 I'm not real concerned with what the Chinese are doing with TicTok. The question really is, is content moderation the same thing as censorship? That is the sticky wicket here. What is the motivation and/or intent behind those actions. Is it reasonable to ban speech based on perceived motivation? I think the Chinese are up to no good! I don't like what you're listening to, so I'll prevent others from talking to you. That is what banning TicTok would supposedly accomplish. If you can't say or write it, I can't hear or read it. Does sound a bit like censorship doesn't it? It certainly isn't moderation. Moderation would allow some of that to take place. So, yes I'm going to say if the court says TicTok should be banned that is abridging free speech. The court issuing an opinion on the motivations of the Chinese. Either way I won't be too upset. It won't change a thing as far as gathering information goes. People have been "spying" on one another since the beginning of time. That isn't going to stop. 



Tuesday, January 14, 2025


  I do enjoy the posts about nostalgic things. This morning I saw one about making an octopus doll. They were quite the rage in the 1950's, according to that post. The post included a picture of the doll along with the instructions for making one. Now, I never made one, but I'm certain my sister did. I remember one in bright yellow being on her bed. I was taken back in time when I saw that post. I was also reminded of making those pot holders on a little metal loom using those stretchy cloth loops. That was something I did with my sister quite a bit. Yes, I played with my sister in my younger years, as my brothers where four and six years older than I, and I was just a little kid. That would have been in the late fifties, early sixties. 
  I did read the instructions on how to make that doll. I was surprised to read that you filled the head with kapok. Now that word took me back a bit as well, haven't heard any mention of kapok in a very long time. In fact, the only known use I was aware of was in making life jackets. Perhaps you remember when they made those big bulky looking things, usually in bright orange. They were filled with kapok. I wondered if kapok was still available and it turns out, it is readily available. It is often used for stuffing pillows and for crafting. I really thought it was one of those materials of the past. The rest of the doll is simply yarn and ribbon. I laughed as I read the instructions. There were no warnings included about all the dangers involved, no warning about eating the yarn or ribbon. The instructions simply say, braid the yarn into eight legs. No warning about getting carpal tunnel from doing that too long without rest. 
  I am amused when reading all that stuff because it takes me back in time. I'm experiencing that in the first person. It's amusing because it isn't old to me, but it is old. It's a reminder of what used to be. Then I feel compelled to recreate that time. But we all know you can't really do that, the past is the past and there it remains. Oh it's familiar alright, doesn't seem that distant, but it is an unreachable destination. You can't go back. You can bring the past with you however and share it today. It is something we all do on a subconscious level. Sometimes we even try to pass that off as something new, as some secret knowledge only we have. But really it is something we learned a long time ago.
  Tangible memories. Those are the things we bring from the past or recreate in the future. They go by many names, artifacts, mementos, nick-knacks or bric-a- brac. One mans junk, another mans' treasure. That treasures' value lying in the memory. I've heard where songs are often remembered long after other memories fade. I'm certain that is for the same reason, the memories that the song brings. I expect certain passages from books will do the same. Tangible memories are those things that have touched our souls in some fashion. Often we are not aware of that touch. This morning when I saw that posting I was touched, rather became aware of that touch, in seeing that doll. My sister touched me. It wasn't startling in any way, it was familiar. Perhaps the past isn't unreachable after all.  

Do you remember ? 

Monday, January 13, 2025


  I heard on the news that Facebook (Meta) has fired the fact checkers and will rely upon community notes. Now, not being particularly tech savvy and up to date on all of that I went to Wikipedia. This is the opening paragraph explaining what community notes are: "Community Notes, formerly known as Birdwatch, is a feature on X (formerly Twitter) where contributors can add context such as fact-checks under a post, image or video. It is a community-driven content moderation program, intended to provide helpful and informative context, based on a crowd-sourced system. Notes are applied to potentially misleading content by an algorithm not based on majority rule, but instead agreement from users on different sides of the political spectrum." 
  That sure cleared that up! Community notes used to be "birdwatch" on a platform formerly known as twitter where you can add your opinion not based on the majority of opinions, but the ones decided upon by an algorithm. So basically the computer gets to decide what is opinion and what isn't opinion but that doesn't mean it is a fact. It is those things we agree to disagree upon. Well, sounds quite helpful to me. Isn't that the idea behind Wikipedia? I read stuff there often enough, I'm asked to contribute money to continue that "warehouse" of knowledge. The implication being, everything on Wikipedia is the straight up truth which is a straight up lie. I believe Wikipedia as fast as I believe the National Enquirer or the New York Times. Both of those publications are just as credible.
  Community notes; word of mouth is what we used to call that. There may or may not be a basis in truth. The reality is simple enough to understand, people will react to whatever they believe to be the truth. All the presentation of "facts" will not alter that. Reason is based on the perceived affect an action will have on the individual. If I figure it will harm me, it's an unreasonable action. Yeah, it is that simple. Facts are only useful when justifying your reasons. Facts are only useful to others when they haven't yet decided upon an action. Facts rarely change perceived reality. So the purpose of community notes is really to create a reality we can all agree upon. Ah, the stuff of dreams. The objective is to get others to share our dreams. That is how nations are formed! 
 I did notice how many of those platforms used to be called something else. Formerly this or that. Can a leopard change its' spots? That is what all the name changing is about, changing perception. Did you know that idiom comes from the Bible? I wasn't aware of that until I looked it up. It is an astute observation and the truth of the matter. It's the same as exercising sound judgement. The judgement may or may not result in condemnation, but that isn't how the majority see it. The majority thinks of judgement as a bad thing, something you shouldn't do. Well, unless we all agree upon the verdict that is. That is what community notes is supposed to provide. Really doesn't have a thing to do with the truth or the facts. Progress? No, same as always just a different name. 
 Content moderation is the objective. What does that mean? It means, watch your mouth! That's what I grew up with, also known as keeping a civil tongue in your head. Failure to do so may result in a mouth full of chiclets! Chiclets, for you younger folks, are a candy that resemble teeth in appearance. The warning was, you might get punched in the mouth. That was back in my day, before we felt marginalized or offended. Back then we just got mad and would strike! Wasn't a lot of discussion about feelings and empathy back then, action spoke louder than words. But today many people just cower behind their keyboards and fight their imaginary enemies. So we need content moderation. Ok, I'll make a note of that. I'll inform the community.  



Sunday, January 12, 2025


  The last few days have been filled with excitement as we welcomed our newest addition to the family. They have been busy ones as well. For those of us used to living on schedule, changes can be exhausting. It is a mental thing as mush as a physical thing. The majority of us do live on a schedule, either going to school or work. Then after we retire, we create our own schedule. Some will continue with the old schedule just modified a bit, perhaps part time, unable to retire cold turkey. I didn't have an issue with that, I embraced the freedom! The problem did become what to do with all that freedom. I was old enough to retire but young enough to get into mischief. Fortunately I hadn't compiled a fortune that needed spending or any legacy to be concerned with. I figure that must be a burden. At least I don't have to worry about any of that.
  It's amazing how quickly things do change. We are all aware that they will, we plan for them, anticipate them and are sometimes anxious for them but still we are a bit surprised. My grandson is now a father. Well, that's a change. My son is a grandfather. Sure I knew all that was going to happen; most likely; never had a thought that anything different would take place. So it did happen on January the eighth, 2025. Four days later and I'm sitting here scratching my head, how did all that happen so fast? It's exhausting it what it is. I even slept in this morning as it all catches up. 
  Now my grandson is still in law school but does have a full time job as well. His wife is a registered nurse and has full time employment. She is, of course, on maternity leave. Thing is they live quite a distance from us. An hour and a half drive away. That's a long drive for us these days. We have to cross the bay bridge and go through the bay tunnel. Lots of traffic and crazy drivers between Greensboro and Middle river. As a result I'm afraid we won't be seeing our great granddaughter as often as we would like. This isn't like the television shows I used to watch or those hallmark movies. Everyone is busy working and living their lives as best as they can. 
  We received a Frameo electronic picture frame for Christmas. With that device pictures can be instantly shared to us. We hear a little beep and presto a new picture appears. This modern technology is something else. It will do videos as well. We have been getting pictures of the baby and are grateful for that. She's brand new! I realize that over time the picture sending will slow down as a routine is established. I am hoping for frequent visits. In the warmer months, when the daylight lasts longer, we will travel to their home more frequently. Great grandparents don't like to drive in the dark you know. Soon my son, the grandfather, will start feeling the same way. Being a grandparent does change your perspective just a bit. 
  It will be a return to the routine in no time. The knowledge that I have a great grandchild will sink in slowly. You don't really understand that until you can interact with them. What I mean is, they are aware of you, and just who you are. Now that takes some time. It is something I have mentioned a few times in the past, I repeat myself, how, as a child I didn't always grasp relationships. My mother has a mother? You mean to tell me there is someone who can boss her around? Cousins are who? Wait, you say we are all family but they don't live here, not even in the same town. I'm anxious to explain all of that to Elliotte. Families aren't always as straight forward as you might think. It can be confusing.
  I have developed an interest in genealogy and history since retiring. I have had the time to investigate and the internet has provided the resources. I currently do not have a subscription to Ancestry but will most likely renew it in the spring. I'm appointing myself the caretaker of the Reichart genealogy. I will attempt to write it all down and include "footnotes" in that writing. The "footnotes" are to provide context and are often the most interesting parts to the story. Like in the Bible the "who begat who" part gets a bit tedious and boring. With the arrival of a great grandchild I had best get going. But, I'm tired. Maybe I'll start tomorrow.  

My grandson Mark and his daughter Elliotte. He's looking ahead while I'm looking back. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025


  I'm a bit overwhelmed at the fact I am now a great grandfather. Sure I knew this day would come, at least I always thought it would given the alternatives, but it is still a bit of a shock. It's strange because although I am aware of the position, I do feel like somewhat more of an observer than a participant. Does that make any sense? I'm thinking it will to those that are great grandparents themselves. Just who am I parenting? You never stop being a parent, first to your child and then continuing when they become parents themselves. But you do step back just a bit when that happens. Now having reached the great parent spot I'm feeling a bit more distant. Perhaps that is simply because of the number of years I have to look back upon, remembering all the milestones along the way. 
 It has been said it takes a village to raise a child. That thought came to mind this morning as I was responding to all the positive comments I received regarding the birth of my great granddaughter. A good number of those greetings coming from those I went to school with way back in the last century. Many of those I haven't seen since 1971 when we graduated. Many of them telling me how they to, are grandparents and great grandparents! That also comes as a bit of a surprise, although it certainly shouldn't. It appears the village has grown into an entire community! I do spend a good bit of time with my Facebook community, probably a bit too much. But I'm happy with that, happy to share my thoughts and memories with others. I'm pleased that my community is diverse. Yes, quite the modern thing. I have expelled a few over the years, banned from the village for disturbing my quality of life. Yeah, just like in real life.
  Yesterday I was writing about generations. It is amazing to think in terms of that, while you are still a pert of that. I was born mid-century, in the last century. Not counting myself, three generation later nearly a quarter of the next century has passed. I'm writing and posting to the world wide web, a platform that didn't exist when I was born. I'm using technology that was only a fantasy when I was born. Think Dick Tracy and his watch if you are old enough to remember that. I vividly remember the time before seat belts in cars, when television was black and white and you had to get the operator to make a long distance call. A time when every phone had a cord attaching it to the wall. All things my children never knew, let along the grandkids. It's like when my great grandfather told me about driving his horse drawn taxi! It happened a long time ago. 
  My great grandfather Floyd, an old man that lived in a big old house, filled with mysterious rooms and objects. He lived in the kitchen of that house, his bed over in one corner. No need to heat all those other rooms, no need to even go in them anymore. Rooms I'm certain where filled more with memories than anything else. Now I'm the great grandfather. A old man that lives in an upstairs apartment surrounded by my memories and mementos. Thankfully I have great grandma with me, something great grandfather Floyd did not, as great grandma Lucy passed in 1956 when I was just three. He was 75 when I was born. I'm a bit younger than that, just being seventy one. I'm just amazed that I knew my great grandfather Floyd and now I am one! I'm married to a great grandmother! Yes, God has a sense of humor and a way of reminding us all of the value of life. 
 Below is an image taken from my local newspaper. In the carriage on the right is great grandfather Floyd. He is operating his taxi service heading north on Main Street. Taken in 1909 it was a common means of transportation. He would later learn to drive an automobile and delivered groceries instead of passengers. He never saw a pocket calculator in his lifetime. He neither owned or watched a television. He didn't have a telephone, feeling it was unnecessary. A great grandfather. It could be me in that carriage only it would be a Honda! And I'd be using GPS with no idea of north of south, just take the exit and turns as told. Turn north, yeah right, which way is that? 

Friday, January 10, 2025


  A Few days ago I had written a story about my great grandfather Floyd. Born in 1878 I knew him well. As a kid I never gave that much thought, he was just my fathers grandfather. Genealogy wasn't a big topic of concern. I knew lots of old people. Exactly how everyone was related to each other wasn't quite as clear. In-laws and out-laws shared equal billing. It is usually when we start losing those people that we begin to be aware of all of that. We do tend to take life for granted when we are younger. I suppose when there is something to gain from that we would be more well informed. What I mean is inheritance. I've never had that concern and have never inherited a thing from anyone. I'm not disappointed about that as I have never expected anything. I do have artifacts from Great Grandfather Floyd house. A few objects that he cherished and enjoyed. He passed away in 1968. That was only fifty seven years ago. Doesn't seem that long when I think about him. 
  Two days ago, on the eighth at 11:36 AM I became a great grandfather. My grandson and his wife brought a daughter into the world, Elliotte Ann Elisabeth Reichart. I have remained silent on social media as per their wishes. I'm fairly bursting at the seams wanting to share with the world this wonderful news. The family will be coming home this afternoon from the hospital to begin their new lives. Brand new Dad and Mom, brand new Grandparents and great grandparents all will be present for this momentous occasion. Four generations in the same room, at the same moment. 
 The first Reichart of this line arrived at Castle Garden New York on January the third in 1857. That was only 168 years ago. That man was Christian Reichart my great great grandfather. His son, my great grandfather passed away in 1940. His son, my grandfather passed away in 1932. My father passed in 1990. I'm still here! It has been seven generations which certainly seems like a lot. Well, a lot has happened over that time, since 1857. Elliotte marks the second generation of Reicharts born in the 21st century. I have to remind myself that we are a quarter of the way through another century, think about that. 
  A generation is usually considered to be twenty or twenty five years depending upon whom you are talking with. There is no set time frame for that. New generations begin on their own schedule. Well, with modern medicine being what it is, it is sometimes scheduled in advance. I never gave it a thought when talking with my grandparents that they were born in a different century. They were just old and lived in the "good old days" according to them. Rutherford Hayes was the president when my great grandfather was born. Garfield followed him. Presidents from my history books, neither of which where of any great note. Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, and Kennedy where the presidents I had at least a passing knowledge of, Hayes and Garfield, not so much. Joe Biden and Donald J Trump. Will history remember them? What of Carter, Reagan, Ford, Bush, Nixon, Clinton and Obama? There were thirty six presidents in the twentieth century, can you name them all?
  Generations. I have lived long enough to begin counting time in generations. That is an amazing thing when you consider it. I remember when next week seemed like forever, today 1968 is a little while back. I remember getting the senior discount for the first time, how I felt a bit insulted. Judging by time, everything should be free by now. I do have photographs of my great grandparents and a few even older than that. In 1839 photography was first introduced. It wasn't until the 1880's that Kodak developed the first cameras the public in general could use. My great grandfather born in 1878 new that as a new technology. What will my great grand daughter view in that way? Flying cars? Maybe. I don't know I just can't wait to tell her all about the "good old days." 

                                                      Elliotte Ann Elisabeth Reichart

Thursday, January 9, 2025

a factual opinion

  I hear a lot about the facts. Citations are provided to prove the facts. Well I say this, "facts are merely the opinions we all agree upon." When the opinion changes, so too, the facts. And that is how it works in the world. All the scholars over the ages have pontificated about all of that. Much has been written about perception as fact. I subscribe to that theory, seeing is indeed believing. It is when we see a bit more that our perception may change, and so too, our factual account of that. Ironically all that is also just an opinion, my opinion, that may or may not agree with your facts. Is it a good thing? All life is subjective in nature, and all opinions are a bit different. When we agree, we adopt that as a fact. Take something as simple as an inch. An inch is an inch right? Well not in countries using the metric system they aren't, that distance is 2.54 centimeters. Same distance, different fact. Water is wet, it's a fact everyone agrees. Still who decided that fact? What if that person had decided water was dry and the land was wet? We would adopt that as a fact, that's what. 
 A famous writer, Gustave Flaubert, once said, " There is no truth, only perception." I googled that. I hadn't heard it before. It was further proof to me that there is little anyone can say that hasn't been said before. I often use the free plagiarism checker available online in an attempt to not be accused of doing that; plagiarism. Whatever I write is solely my opinion of the world, and the facts contained within it. I make no claim to being a scholar of any sort, as I do not accept everything taught as a fact. The only fact is as Mr. Flaubert said, my perception. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." (Margaret Wolf Hungerford) I read where Plato is also credited with that. That is a fact, as both said it. "Beauty is bought by the judgement of the eye." (Shakespeare) There again is another fact. Did Margaret and Will plagiarize Plato? What's the fact of the matter? I suppose only a court of law could decide the facts in that case. If it were the Supreme court they would issue an opinion. The congress would have to agree with that opinion before it could become enforceable under the law. "All laws are transient facts." (A.B.Reichart)  When the opinion changes, so too, the fact. It's a fact that pot remains on the list as a schedule one drug. Should it be? Well, that's a matter of opinion now isn't it. The DEA still holds the opinion that it should. 
 The biggest issue I see today is people confusing opinion with fact. They are not the same thing. Even when you can provide a citation for your opinion that doesn't make it a fact. All that does is show how many people share your opinion. The majority rules, but that doesn't always indicate they are right! Granted it is the best we can do as human beings. There is so much we just don't know that we have to agree upon some opinions regarding the natural world. We have to create our own facts in order to live in civilized societies. There has been many instances of the "next best thing" turning out to not be so great after all. When that happens we call it progress to excuse our own ignorance. Then we adopt a new set of facts. It is all a matter of opinion. 


"Search enough and you will find someone that agrees with your opinion" 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

All the same

  I have a hard time understanding this entitlement mentality that appears to be so prevalent in todays world. Not being a scholar, thousands of dollars in debt for the education certifying how "smart" I am, I have to consider why this should be. I'm thinking it may just be the result of the example shown to those folks. I never heard my parents blaming anyone else for what they didn't have. That is a simple fact. Yes, I heard them both talk about the rich folks, how they had an edge, an advantage over them when it came to opportunities. Still, I never heard them blame those same rich people for that, it was just their simple good fortune. I never heard them insist the rich people should have to give them anything When they didn't have things, they worked to get them. The amount of work was proportional to the desire for that object. The proverbial, nose to the grindstone.
  Now it could be said that my parents didn't keep their noses to the grindstone quite as much as some other folks and that would be a fair statement. They both enjoyed a bit of leisure time and relaxing just a bit. As a result neither of them suffered from stress related issues or harbored ill will toward others that had more than they did. They pretty much got whatever they needed and it's my feeling they were satisfied. I think that is the secret to life, being satisfied. It's always great when you have enough. It isn't that much greater when you have more than enough, know what I mean? Yes, security is a good thing, but not an essential element. I'm confident I will have enough to get by, even when that isn't as much as I currently have. That was a lesson I learned early on, getting by. What my parents called, making do.
  Making do isn't all that difficult if you practice it. It does means denying yourself some of the luxuries in life. That may include not being the most popular of people and wearing out of style clothing. Could be refusing to simply go along with the crowd. Sometimes a slice of bread becomes a hot dog roll. I remember burning wood to create a bed of coals because we couldn't buy charcoal. We made do just fine with that. Didn't have a new car, made do with a used one.  
  Guess I never really wanted all that much, at least, not what stores had to offer. Don't have much of a choice when it came to electricity, fuel, housing and the like, so I worked for that. Then, I worked a little extra; to get the extras. It is no ones fault but my own if I don't get those extras. Truth is, it isn't anyone's fault if I don't get the essentials either. There is no one to blame for life.
  It doesn't matter how much money other people have. That shouldn't be your concern at all. Counting the coins in your neighbors purse ain't putting any in yours! There are two ways other peoples' money wind up in your pocket. You are paid for a good or service you provided or they give it you out of charity. You aren't entitled to charity. Charity is a gift. You have to earn that entitlement and you ain't doing that making demands. Start telling me what I have to do and see how charitable I become. This idea that somehow the "wealthy" people should pay more simply because they have more is ridiculous.  Should healthy people pay more because they don't use medical services as often?
  Count the coins in your own purse and plan accordingly. That is the way I learned to "make do" in life. The lesson wasn't always easy to understand or adopt. I was reminded many times of an old adage, a fool and their money soon part company. I have learned the validity of that statement! Insisting that others finance my foolishness is just as foolish. Celebrities earn millions of dollars because of our willingness to pay them for whatever it is they do. Businessmen make millions by providing a good or service you are willing to pay for. The politicians craft legislation to ensure you have to pay for goods and services, those items they decide you can't just "make do" without. The reasoning being; prevent us all from fighting one another for those things. Then we wind up fighting each other over the money. 
  The most often misquoted verse in the bible says,   "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.". Most people leave out the first part of that and blame the money. The lesson is you have no one to blame but yourself. Coveting others peoples' money is a form of evil. Crafting legislation to take that money from others is also a type of evil. What is evil?  "the act of intentionally causing harm or suffering to others, or the state of being morally wrong" That is how it is defined anyway. 
  If there are one hundred people and the bill is one dollar, each person is responsible for one cent. Anything else, any other way of dividing that bill involves charity. You can't legislate charity. As for me, it's my feeling life has been charitable. I am entitled to those things I have earned, nothing more. That charity began for me when, as a child I misbehaved. I didn't understand it then when Dad said, I'm doing this because I love you. I didn't understand that love is charity. Man, he and Mom sure loved me a lot! They were very charitable. I was entitled to that though, I earned it. It was an equal exchange. I had one sister and two brothers and we all paid the same. 


Tuesday, January 7, 2025


  Setting aside any political  feelings I have to say I'm opposed to all this displaying of the presidents body. Jimmy Carter, peanut farmer, naval officer, president and man of faith is someone to be admired. I didn't always agree with his politics, that's true enough but that doesn't define his character. You know you really have to give recognition to those worthy of that, even when you disagree. He was president from 1977 to 1981, a time while I was in the Navy. I wasn't paying a whole of attention to what he was doing to be honest about it. Something about SALT and the Camp David accords. His brother Billy was selling beer. 
  So I won't attempt any discussion of his abilities as the commander in chief. I'm sure he did his best and what he truly felt was right. I do not question his integrity. Perhaps all his work after his presidency was a form of atonement in his eyes, I cant say for certain, but he did a whole lot of good. Does the motivation matter? That's another topic of discussion for another day. When he was president I was under thirty years old, just a youngster. History will judge Carter and all the others and the opinion will change with the historians recording that. At the moment Carter is being hailed as a heroic figure and justly so, he just died. You don't speak ill of the dead. 
  The thing that bothers me is this tradition of hauling the presidents body around the country. It all just comes of like a side show to me. I get the "lying in state" tradition to give the nation an opportunity to grieve and pay their last respects. Perhaps that is a part of the cost of celebrity, and the president is as much a celebrity as any entertainer. I do believe they should have a choice about that however. If their last wished were to forgo that and have a private service that should be honored. I haven't heard exactly what Carters wishes were. All I hear about is his body being displayed here and there, then the capitol and then a private service in Georgia. Maybe that is his wish but I sure wouldn't want my body dragged around the country like that. In fact, I'm going for cremation. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. I don't want anyone looking at me while I'm dead saying, he looks good. I won't look good, I will be dead. Heck I don't look that good alive. 
  It will eleven days after his death when he is laid to rest beside his wife. That's an appropriate phrase, laid to rest, what with all the traveling he has done. That will begin tomorrow and end on the ninth. Jimmy Carter lived to one hundred years old. It was a good long life. A one term president that will become just another name in the history books. He had four children which I haven't heard anything about over the years. The number of grandchildren he has is also unknown to me. Someone has to be in control of all of this and the management of his legacy. I expect that can be a burden to his family. My family will have no such worries! Before his passing if you asked anyone under the age of say twenty five or so who was Jimmy Carter, I expect many wouldn't have had a clue. 
  Since my birth ten presidents have passed away, Kennedy was, of course, assassinated. He is the first I remember anything about. I was ten years old at the time. Strange I don't remember hearing about Truman in 1972 or Eisenhower in 1969. LBJ in 1973. I do remember Nixon, Ford, Bush and now Carter. That means 21.7% of all the presidents we have had died in my lifetime thus far. There have only been 46 you know. Seems like there should be more. Hoover, Truman and Ike all seem like historical figures to me, just names in the history book. All three were alive after my birth. Ike I knew as a general but FDR as a president. That's how history recorded them for me. Hoover and Truman? Don't know much about those guys at all. Will Carter be remembered? Only history knows that answer. 


Monday, January 6, 2025

It's a start

  It's an amazing thing really, how silent the political chatter has become now that the results have been decided. I guess those on the left have had their breath taken away. They do seem surprised. The current administration is rushing to pass whatever legislation they can and repaying favors as quickly as possible. But all of this is to be expected really, politics as usual. Now the focus will shift to how bad a job this new group will perform, instead of how great the current one was. I expect the media will concentrate on all of that as opposed to trying to get Trump arrested. You will hear a lot about Project 2025! That is going to be presented as more dangerous than any virus! And there is no vaccination against it! Yes, it will end life as you know it. 
  But I was thinking about Facebook. I am one of those that spend too much time on that platform, a guilty pleasure I suppose, and with the winter upon us I can't see that changing anytime soon. I'm not much on outdoor activities in the cold. I do like to stay warm and close to the coffee pot. I have noticed a decided lack of chatter about the political landscape. All those that were so active and so vocal leading up to the election have grown, for the most part silent. Stunned, you might say. And I say that is what usually happens when reality sets in. The truth is stark to those engaged in a fantasy. 
  It is time to get back to business. Make no mistake about that, government is business oriented, it isn't about feelings. For far too long government has engaged in a policy of appeasement rather than reality. Yes, punishment is far more effective than saying,  "I'm disappointed in you." The purpose of the penal system is to punish, not reward! The consequence of breaking the law is punishment, not some remedial housing units. The government isn't a charitable organization! That is not the purpose of government. The purpose of business is to be profitable. Our business is currently 36 trillion dollars in the red. Yes, time to get back to business indeed. 
  That is the stunned silence from the left. Reality has set in. You can't please all of the people all of the time. Despite all of their untiring efforts to do just that, the Democratic party failed and failed miserably. That party still has not learned from their past. Yes, they "switched", as some will attempt to tell you. When they could no longer just subjugate people based on skin tone or "racial" purity they switched to simply trying to please those folks. 
  Oh, it didn't happen overnight, they fought and fought that hard right up until 1965, a full hundred years after their defeat. Then they switched to using additional tactics of appeasement, calling it reconciliation and now reparations. The intent remained the same however, control. And now, control is slipping away as reality rears its' head. All their efforts at patronizing every single minority group in the nation wasn't enough! They appointed, hired, promoted and gave hero status to hundreds in those "marginalized" groups all to no avail. They fully supported and promoted that woke ideology they were so convinced would keep them in power. 
  All it did was wake up the population to their ineptness. Even the most charitable of people get tired of giving. We have gone from being the model for the world to simply being the best playground in the world. Go to America where they will feed you, clothe you, house you, teach you their language and allow you to practice whatever "traditions" and "customs" you please. You will be protected against any pushback on that. There is no requirement for any moral or ethical standard to be met. Criminals welcomed with open arms. You don't even have to obey the law, you're exempted from that because, well, you're just a dreamer. All that is required of you is to vote for the proper candidate. Do that, and you're welcome. Go ahead break the law, we won't write any of that down, it will remain undocumented. Well, because as long as something isn't documented it can't be proven that it ever happened at all. 
  Many people have been infected with a disease. A mental illness recognized by the professionals. It is called Savior complex. It is a mental condition where people believe they are responsible for assisting other people even when it is harmful to themselves or others beyond those being helped. They may experience empathy, impulsively volunteer, continue in their efforts even when it isn't helpful, and is closely associated with bipolar disorder. I submit the entire democratic party has been afflicted with this disorder! It's a mental health thing. The cure begins with acceptance of the truth. Let's hope this is the beginning of recovery. The first step of a twelve step cure. Step two follows. I'm sure praying for that to happen.  


Sunday, January 5, 2025


  The town has taken down the Christmas decorations, or holiday decorations depending upon your view of that. There was certainly no reference made to anything Christian on town properties. It was mostly about the Grinch. That appears to be the trend. Goodbye Jesus, the Grinch is taking your place. The real reason for the celebration is being pushed aside, slowly transitioning. A lot of transitioning going on these days. Nothing new in that as the commercialization of Christmas has been an ongoing thing for many years now. I recall the Sears wish book from my childhood and that was certainly a commercial enterprise. Well, the season is over although many will keep their tree up for some time still. My daughter in law put valentines on hers last year. A new trend. Well, he was a saint, so there's that.
  This year Christmas came and went for me quickly, without fanfare or flourish. I never did get into that festive mood I've enjoyed in years past. In just a few days I will be a great grandfather and perhaps with that some of the magic will return. I do believe the magic of Christmas is carried by the children. I recall my church having a birthday party for Jesus. It wasn't a Christmas party, it was a birthday party that ultimately even Santa Claus would attend. Still the focus was on that birth. I wonder if my church continues that tradition today. I haven't been there since the Christmas of 1970. It'll be a few years before my great grandchild will be old enough to begin to understand any of that and I intend to teach her. 
  It isn't that I don't enjoy the gift giving, the celebration and all of that but I am concerned that the meaning is being lost. Christmas is a Christian holiday! It's in the name. The removal of any reference to Jesus and his birth is simply wrong. It must be remembered that here in the United States we allow the building of every other religions buildings, churches, synagogues, mosques or whatever on our land. Simply because the land is owned by the government is no reason to ban the displaying of Christian references. A simple recognition by government is not an endorsement. In fact, it is a display of respect! Because we have chosen not to have an official state "religion" does not negate the fact that we are indeed a nation comprised, in the majority, by Christians. According to census bureau figures a full 70% of the population identify as Christian. Seems like we should be keeping Christ in Christmas to me. Without that what is the reason for Christmas? National gift giving day? 
  The miracle of birth. That is what we are celebrating. In particular the birth of hope. I'm no preacher but isn't that what Jesus offered the world, hope? By following his instructions, his teachings, we may all learn to live together. The hope being to create a world for our children better than the one we are in. Man has no idea what happens after death, simple as that. That too, is all based on hope. But we all want better for our children, for that future, even though we won't be there.
  Everything has to start somewhere, doesn't it? That is what man believes because we are not capable of understanding anything else. Understanding the universe? Now, that's laughable. We don't know. We are not going to make a better world by simple gift giving! The only way that will happen is by giving of ourselves through self sacrifice. Doing the right thing. Yeah, doing what Jesus told us. You do know that all the others say pretty much the same thing when you get right down to it. Learning to accept the gift is far more important than giving it. And that is what Christmas is all about. The gift is the children, the next generation, a new beginning, another chance, hope. 


Saturday, January 4, 2025

locked in time

  I put together a small photo album from pictures that belonged to my dad. These photographs were taken while he served in WW2 as a crew member on B-24 bombers. A few have a name written on the back but the majority of them do not. Dad never talked about that time, never really shared those photographs or memories with me. As a result the names are lost to time. Still I felt obligated to preserve them, my fathers memories that is. That is how I view that little collection. I, of course, recognize him and see him with these unknown men, men that he flew combat missions with. Surely there were bonds created. I did hear, from my mother, that there was one man in particular that stayed in contact after the war. That contact was in the form of a Christmas card. One year, my mom tells me, the card came from that mans wife telling of his passing. 
 Dad did have lots of pictures of airplanes that displayed that "nose art" we have all seen in the movies and heard about. Very creative and some quite risqué but it is war. In the 1940's men where men and no one was concerned with "marginalizing or sexualizing" anyone. Pin ups abounded and were expected. I expect today the brass would have something to say about all of that. Even during my time in the service, 1971-1993, that wasn't allowed. We were still in the don't ask, don't tell mindset. I gathered all those pictures together and sent them to my sisters son. His father retired from the Air Force and he was still serving. It just seemed appropriate that he should keep those pictures. But, the other pictures, those personal to my dad, I felt like I should retain. That's why I kept them, placing them in an album labeled, "My fathers memories" along with a brief description of what they are. 
  I sometimes look through those old pictures and wonder. What were they doing and where were they. Were these photos taken before missions or after they returned? I look closely at the background for clues. In the picture I am including on this post you can see the bombs lined up on the ground, waiting to be loaded. I'm guessing they were getting the plane ready. My father stands next to one of the engines. You can see the size of those propellers as my dad stood six foot, tall for his time. He was the flight engineer and so responsible for the operation of the mechanical and hydraulic systems. Those engines were his! I look at the pictures of all those others and think about them. Who was the pilot, who was this or that. What are their stories? They are all in my fathers memories, locked in time. A time before my time. But I know who one person is anyway and will pass that along. I expect they have all gone "into the wild blue yonder.


Friday, January 3, 2025


  I was talking with my wife yesterday, just shooting the breeze as they say, when the topic of vaccines came up. I keep hearing about a newer one, something for RSV that will kill old people in particular. Well, if it isn't children it will be the elderly. Strange how both are treasured in one sentence and aborted or euthanized in the next. Yeah, all of that is supported by science and the medical community. But whatever the case may be the amount of vaccines being injected into our bodies is most definitely on the rise. When I was born it was four, today it is at least 15. They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I'm guessing a gallon of vaccine is worth more than your immune system. 
 Now I'm not saying vaccines are a bad thing, they are medical miracles in some instances. That vaccines have saved many lives isn't in dispute. I just subscribe to the advice given in my Bible, moderation in all things. "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything." That's good sound advice whether you believe in God or not. It applies to everyone regardless. Lots of stuff like that in the bible. It does cause me to wonder if we aren't getting carried away a bit. I don't believe we can vaccinate ourselves into immortality. Maybe with enough we will preserve the body but I'm thinking we will all still die from something. 
  As the wife and I talked about this I began to wonder. Has any scientist ever studied that white paste we all had in kindergarten. I mean from a viral standpoint. It seems to me it must have provided a great of protection. We didn't use hand sanitizer twelve tines a day, we ate lunches our moms had packed, mayo sat for a few hours unrefrigerated, we played on the playground crawling in the dirt, and I don't recall a single kid having a peanut allergy requiring a complete isolation of peanut butter sandwiches. I do remember the doctor coming to the school at the beginning of the year and we all got an exam. That was all that was necessary. Of course it could be that we were just subjected to fresh air and exercise at least twice a day. Our classes weren't air conditioned and the windows were open when it was warm enough for that. We did go outside regardless of the temperature, we just stayed indoors if it was raining. 
  Is this all progress? 15 vaccines and counting. Wearing masks, social distancing and all of that? There are warning signs on all our food products, like this is peanut butter, it may contain nuts. Yes, I've seen that. We have lots of warning to not ingest things like battery acid or super glue. Warning hot coffee may be hot! Can we be far from wearing O2 generators on our waists to protect us from air pollution. I heard cow farts are a big problem, destroying the atmosphere. And we can't say Al Gore hasn't warned us all about global warming! No vaccine for that, not yet anyway. Have you heard about the Oropouche virus? Well, you soon will and it's deadly, mostly to child and old people. No vaccine for that. How can you protect yourself from that? I don't know. 


Thursday, January 2, 2025

How it works

  We are told independent thought is the best that there is. Then we spend years and thousands of dollars learning what is already known, calling that an education. We provide the proof of that in the form of degrees issued by institutions. Then you are held in high regard as learned. I believe that is so simply because all the others that did the same agree with you. You have been taught the correct answers and repeated them dutifully. Perhaps you have even expanded upon those ideas to further validate them. Independent thought isn't welcomed in those circles, but no one will admit to that. No, it is only the educated that are truly progressive and enlightened. The smart folks, by their own admission. 
  There is no debate about the value of a good education. We do need to be taught how to read, write and do arithmetic. Those skills are the cornerstones to learning. They also have nothing to do with thought. They are simply the means to express your thinking. I wonder what knowledge was lost and had to be relearned because of that. What I mean is, no one could write it down. We all know word of mouth isn't really very effective for that purpose. Like playing a game of post office the story/meaning will change with each telling. I took a leadership course while in the Navy. The exercise was to tell others how to build a "house" using index cards. It had to be exactly the same with the lines going the correct direction. It sounds simple enough until you attempt to do it. I could write it all down and that was effective, or draw a picture, then it wasn't so difficult. That wasn't allowed. Explaining the thought is very difficult indeed. 
  I've said it many times, and still believe it to be a true statement, there is little that can be said that hasn't been said before. There are very few original ideas. The ones that figure out how to transfer an idea into an object will get the credit. It doesn't matter if it is an actual physical object or words on a paper. What matters is expressing that idea in a way no one has heard it before. That's the original thought, independent of any "education" you may have received. That's why we say you receive an education, it is something given to you, it isn't something you get on your own. That sort of "education" will not be accepted or acknowledged unless it benefits someone else. The purpose of education is to teach you how something works. That's how I think of that. Whether it is a trade or a profession isn't important, the purpose is understanding how it works. 
  I have always found it amusing that having a trade isn't viewed as highly as being a professional. What's the difference between the two? Simply put a professional has a college degree and a tradesman does not. We all hear about the cost of getting an education and in some "professions" the years of training and apprenticeship required before becoming that professional. Well, the same is true of becoming an expert in a trade, just without the cost of paying someone to teach you that stuff from a book. I don't have any papers to prove it, but I have had plenty of education over the years. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it. The major advantage being I only learned what I needed to know, saving space for more useful knowledge. I really don't need to know Greek mythology or the meaning behind Beyonce songs. I'm thinking gender studies is another course that has no real useful function. Will there be a demand for those "professionals" ten years from now? I doubt that but we are going to need a plumber, or a carpenter, depending on the state of civilization we are in. Some things never change.
  The one thing we are all trying to learn is, how the world works. We call that philosophy. It's an attempt to explain a thought. But beyond that, convince others that that thought is the correct answer to the question. We all want our answer to be the correct one, no one wants to be wrong. Some will go to the university and colleges to obtain the proof. See, I have a degree so I must be right, I provided the correct answers to obtain this degree. Today we can obtain that degree online, although I'm thinking those won't be viewed in quite the same light. Remember when we used to ask, were did you get your license, Sears and Roebuck? I got my degree with Pheonix on line! 
 Well, okay then. Is that how that works. Yes, it does work that way. It's the big unspoken secret. You have to purchase your credentials to be a member of the club. To become a "professional" you have to pay. For the rest of us an honorary degree is about as good as it gets. The professionals rule the world and the rest of us simply work for a living. That's how it works. " when a man tells you he got rich through hard work: ask him, whose?" (Don Marquis) 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

the best years

  Starting with the obvious it is a new year, 2025. I haven't been waiting for it and so it arrived rather quickly. What's that saying, a watched pot never boils. I recall my time in the Navy and how slowly time moved then, twenty years seemed like a lifetime, in fact, if you stayed past six years you were called a lifer. It's been thirty years since I retired and it sure doesn't seem like it at all. I'll become a great grandfather in a couple weeks. The kids have that scheduled, Bailey goes in the hospital on the 16th and plans on giving birth on the 17th. Apparently that's how it is done in these modern times. I wasn't aware of that option. 
  I'm old enough to remember when the changing of the year caused some issues, namely writing the correct year on your school papers or writing a check. I remember writing checks for everything and mailing them. Of course I remember when you had to go in the bank to get cash or deposit funds into your savings account. It was satisfying seeing those entries in that little book. Remember how you could post date a check? Getting the year correct was a problem for most of January anyway. That's how long it usually took me anyway. Once we reached 2000 that was another issue. It still just doesn't sound right. Many people thought the banks were going to crash, computers failing and it was going to be a disaster! Y2K was the buzzword. Kids today wouldn't know what that meant.
  Being born in 1953 the number 53 stands out. 2025 isn't that far away from 2053. In 2053 I'll be a hundred years old! Now those numbers get my attention. Hopefully I continue to pay attention and so the time will go very slowly. I'm in no hurry to reach the end, or start again for that matter. The older I get the more ridiculous things seem to get. Non-binary, gender fluidity and being a survivor top the list for me. 
 It does make me want to see what's next. I recall my mother wearing a campaign pin that said, "I like Ike." She told how that was the first time she voted and IKE was Eisenhower. He was president in 1953. In 2025 we will have Donald Trump for the second time. I'm already wondering, who is next? Today there is talk of just allowing everyone and anyone to vote, no citizenship requirement, age 16 is good enough, five if you just want to choose your gender, and illegal migrants can also vote. Like I said, ridiculous stuff. And there is this. 
  I've always wanted to be a really old guy for a very simple reason. You get to say exactly what you think or feel and no one says a thing about it. At least not to your face. I do have to rethink that however, as in todays world age doesn't guarantee safety or respect. It's 2025 not 1965 when my great grandfather would sit in a chair outside the local gas station and make his comments on everything and anything. He would say whatever to those men working there and they would just smile and say, yes sir. When they were out of earshot they had a different opinion. But gramp just sat there, chewing on his cigar dispensing advise and wisdom in what can only be described as a forthright manner. 
  They say what goes around comes around. I'm hoping that time will come around again. A time when things made a whole lot more sense than the do today. Back when everyone agreed there were just boys and girls and you had to work for a living. You respected your elders and respected each other, even when you felt the need to just punch someone in the face. A fair fight was a good thing, held you accountable. Yes, they were the good days in America. What happened? The politicians decided to increase our "quality of life." Yeah, that's what happened. 
 Quality of life (QOL) is defined by the World Health Organization as "an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns" In other words, life is whatever you make it. It's on you. If you rely on others for your "quality of life" you will always get second best. Make this year the best year for you. I'm reminded of this saying I heard often growing up, "good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good is better, and your better is best." Sounds a bit hokey but it's great advice. 

                                            Great Grandfather Floyd P Lester ( 1878-1968)